I promised I'd give more details on Julia's next surgery, so here they are. At the end of November she will undergo what is called a frontal orbital advancement (FOA). They cut the front section of the skull, move it forward, and also move the bone of the upper orbit (top section of your eye sockets, for those non-sciencey folk) forward. They take the section of bone from the front of the skull and actually split it into two pieces. They split it by thickness, so they essentially double the surface area of the part of the skull that is being moved. The two pieces will be half the thickness of the original piece, but there is then more bone to work with and to fill in the gap created by moving the skull and upper orbit forward. The neurosurgeon has assured me that there will be no loss in the integrity of her skull with this splitting of the bone. Apparently, her body will build it up in thickness again and also form new bone in between the pieces they place to fil...