I can't believe it's only been a couple weeks since Julia's surgery. It feels like it was so long ago - though it could just be that my brain is pushing those memories far, far away so I can pretend like it never happened....a highly likely situation. Surgery went extremely well and the surgeon has been really happy with her healing thus far but it was still a traumatic experience. It's the type of experience you don't wish on others, and yet this is only the first of many for us and our baby girl. So this story begins the day prior to surgery. On September 9th, I took Julia to Children's Hospital for a routine head ultrasound and a pre-op appointment with the anesthesiologist. Her pre-op appointment was at 12:30pm and her ultrasound scheduled for 2:30pm. They are right next to each other in the hospital so we were bound to have a gap of time in between. I planned on feeding Julia and going for a walk....but you know what happens when you make plans...