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Showing posts from March, 2015

Moving, immunizations, specialist appointments, and everything else that's been happening in my crazy days lately

Hello, hello! Sorry it's been so long since my last post. There have been so many things going on lately that I just haven't had time to sit down at the computer and update you all.  The biggest part is that we have moved! We are now in our own place instead of sharing a house with another family. We have a beautiful, big yard and the house is much bigger which gives Abby a lot more space to run and play.  The living room is my favourite room in the house. I love how much room Abby and the dogs have to run and play outside. I have been slowly tackling all the unpacking and cleaning that has come along with this new place. It was not in the greatest shape when we moved in so it's been a BIG job. Hanging blinds/curtains, washing walls, cleaning baseboards, installing light fixtures, installing a new dishwasher, fixing the oven....the list goes on and on. We also have a separate suite on the side of the house and it has boxes to unpack in it as well a...