Praise the Lord! I am SO excited to share with you all that Julia has the great majority of her hearing!! We made our way to BC Children's Hospital this morning and let me tell you - it was a bit of an ordeal... The test was slotted for 9am until noon. Yes, THREE full hours. Julia needed to be sleeping for the test so we were given instructions on how to prepare ahead of time. Julia woke up at 6 am this morning so I fed her and then she needed to stay awake until her appointment. I'm not sure about you, but have you ever had a baby stay awake on a long car ride? Yeah. It doesn't happen (at least not my children!). So I enlisted Mom Wookey to come along with me. She sat in the back with Julia and every time she tried to nod off to dreamland she was rubbed with an ice cold cloth. Let's just say that she was NOT a happy camper! Poor grandma felt bad, Julia cried the whole time, but in the end it totally paid off. We arrived to our appointment and got set up. Julia ha...